Our Teachers

Rita Pierce, Owner

Rita established Dovetail Preschool in July of 2017. She has been a preschool teacher since 2009 and has ample experience with children of all ages. Rita holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from UMaine Orono (2009), as well as a Master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Montessori education from USM (2015). She has also completed a year long early childhood credential with the American Montessori Society. Rita lives in Durham with her husband Sean, dog Amos and cat Aurora. She loves to do yoga, cook, and garden. She likes to travel to see her family in different parts of the country. Rita enjoys bringing social studies into the preschool classroom, teaching children about different cultures of the world. She also likes to find a variety of songs to sing with the children.

Ryleigh Sullivan, Assistant Preschool Teacher

Ryleigh spent two years of high school studying Early Childhood Education at Region 10 Technical High School, where she got certified as an early childhood education assistant along with completing a college class in early childhood. At Dovetail, she enjoys doing all sorts of art projects, playing outside and teaching children games she used to play when she was little. In her spare time she loves to babysit, color and hang out with her best friends until she had a baby girl in August 2023! Now she uses her time to soak up the tiny baby snuggles as much as she can. Ryleigh has always had a passion to work with children and plans to go back to school to get a degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development!

Serena Folding, Assistant Junior Preschool Teacher

Serena started working with young children when she was in high school. Her love for creativity and learning blossoms when she is in the classroom surrounded by young minds. As a college graduate in photography, her passion lies deep within nature and the outdoors. She recently moved to Maine and loves taking walks on the beach with her dog in her spare time.

Christina Childs, Co Director and Afternoon Preschool Teacher

Christina has spent the last 19 years caring for children in formal and informal settings. She completed her Associate’s Degree and training in the field of Early Childhood Education in 2006. She has worked as a toddler teacher, lead preschool teacher and spent 6.5 years owning her own licensed home childcare program at her home. Over the years that she has been in the field of Early Childhood, she has found that teaching from an approach that balances the core theories of ECE is what best allows children to have an enriching and fulfilling learning experience. Striving to uphold NAEYC standards in the classroom and being a lifelong learner are very important to her! She lives with her family in Lisbon Falls, and has two children; Caleb and Audrey. While not in the classroom, Christina enjoys taking road trips with her family and spending time at home with her dog, Juniper.

Mary Melanson, Co Director and Morning Preschool Teacher

Mary joined Dovetail in August of 2022. She has wanted to be a teacher from a young age and has spent the last 18 years having amazing experiences teaching young children. For the past 3 years Mary was a Preschool teacher at North Atlantic Montessori with the last year being the Co-director. At North Atlantic she truly fell in love with the Montessori philosophy. She loves being a guide to children, helping them work independently and respectfully, allowing them the joy of learning and fostering and enhancing each child’s natural wonder. Mary grew up in Falmouth and moved to New Gloucester in 2013 where she lives with her son Declan. During her free time she enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with friends and family. As a teacher she continues to be an active and curious learner and brings creativity into the classroom. She enjoys preparing a well designed classroom environment using materials that are designed for exploration and engagement.

Jeanne Adams, Afternoon Preschool Teacher

Jeanne Adams enjoys creative projects with children and loves being a part of their learning experience. For the past 10 years she has taught in after school enrichment programs, summer camps and been an assistant teacher in preschool programs. She loves watching children form friendships, and providing support as they learn and grow. She has 2 grown children and recently moved to Freeport with her husband. In her spare time she enjoys practicing her own art including painting and knitting in the winter and gardening and hiking/walking in the summer.

Cassie Howell, Lead Junior Preschool Teacher

Cassie has several years of experience in the early childhood classroom, with much of that time teaching infants and toddlers. She prides herself on wanting to learn more in this field and has completed an impressive 228 hours of professional development courses related to early childhood! She is working to complete her Associate’s degree at SMCC, and holds a Maine Infant Toddler Credential. Cassie has a son who is currently in the Preschool class.